The Empath's Prayer

AI-generated picture of a flower growing from concrete.
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1 min read

Dedicated to anyone who struggles to find their place in the world. Cover image generated by

To those who others’ eyes ignore,

Overlooked and unacknowledged:

I see you.

To those who speak with truth and love

But fear the judgment and ridicule of others:

I hear you.

To those who wage internal wars

And bear heavy scars in mind and spirit:

I salute you.

To those whose hearts hang heavy,

Burdened by  years of abuse and neglect:

I feel you.

To those who sleep in dreamless terror

And loathe to greet another dawn:

I respect you.

To those who give their gifts to others

Only to be criticized and condemned:

I admire you.

To those who offer honesty and truth

Yet are denied the very same:

I believe you.

To those who feel alone and lost,

Present, yet separate in an uncaring world:

I love you.

Next: "You find the person writing your story"
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