Second Life

Screenshot from the game Second Life of an anthro lion sitting in the lotus position, facing away from the camera.
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A screenshot from the game Second Life in 2020.

Screenshot from the game Second Life of a giant pocketwatch sitting in the center of an enormous tree.
Time - SL17b
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A screenshot from Second Life's 17th birthday celebration (SL17B) in 2020.

Screenshot from the game Second Life of an anthro lion sitting in a chair.
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A screenshot from the game Second Life in 2020.

Screenshot from the game Second Life of an anthro lion sitting in a chair playing a harp.
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"Let me play you the song of my people." [Sound of strings snapping]

Screenshot from the game Second Life of an anthro lion waving to the camera.
Second Life Pride (2020)
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A picture from a Pride festival at Second Life in 2020.

Screenshot from the game Second Life of an anthro bunny dancing and looking at an overhead camera.
Profile (Organica)
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A screenshot from the Organica sim in Second Life in 2020.

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