
The Keyoxide logo
Keyoxide Proof
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Proof that I'm the real deal.

A diverse group of people next to the Trevor project logo.
The Trevor Project
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The Trevor Project is the leading suicide prevention and crisis intervention nonprofit organization for LGBTQ+ young people. We provide information & support to LGBTQ+ young people 24/7, all year round.

Black and white photo of a person's silhouette standing in a square hallway. The opposite end of the hallway is drenched in a blinding white light, while the nearer end is shrouded in shadow.
The Antidepressant That Changed My Life
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6 min read

My first few weeks on Auvelity, a relatively new and unexpectedly effective anti-depressant.

An AI-generated image of an empty blue void with the silhouette of what appears to be a person standing before it.
Why Depression Seems Endless
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4 min read

An unfiltered reflection on why depression and anxiety seems more widespread today than ever before.

A glitched image of a music streaming app's icon.
What Pride Means to Me
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4 min read

Pride means different things to everyone. Here's my take on what it means for me.

art atmospheric breaks breakbeat buddhism chicago code disco fediverse fiction funk furry house house music kubernetes lgbt linux logseq mastodon mental health movies music nixos obsidian personal philosophy pkm poetry prompt second life social software soul technology writing