Mental Health

Black and white photo of a person's silhouette standing in a square hallway. The opposite end of the hallway is drenched in a blinding white light, while the nearer end is shrouded in shadow.
The Antidepressant That Changed My Life
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6 min read

My first few weeks on Auvelity, a relatively new and unexpectedly effective anti-depressant.

A screencap from the movie Everything Everywhere All at Once showing Evelyn (played by Michelle Yeoh) standing in a fighting pose in the middle of a sea of office cubicles. A single googly eye is stuck to her forehead.
Reflecting on Everything Everywhere All at Once
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4 min read

My thoughts on Everything Everywhere All at Once, the nature of reality, the endless tug of war between purpose and nihilism, and finding meaning in the absurd.

An AI-generated image of an empty blue void with the silhouette of what appears to be a person standing before it.
Why Depression Seems Endless
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4 min read

An unfiltered reflection on why depression and anxiety seems more widespread today than ever before.

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