
The Fediversity logo.
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The Fediversity Project is a comprehensive effort to bring easy-to-use, hosted cloud services that have service portability and personal freedom at their core to everyone.

Two young elephants playing. Their trunks are tangled together.
Fediquette: Your guide to Mastodon culture
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4 min read

New to Mastodon? Not sure how things work? Here are some tips I've learned during my time here.

Picture of a cartoon elephant (the Mastodon mascot) sitting with a smartphone in its hands and smiling.
One month on Mastodon
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4 min read

I joined Mastodon on November 12 2022. Here's my experience so far.

art atmospheric breaks breakbeat buddhism chicago code disco fediverse fiction funk furry house house music kubernetes lgbt linux logseq mastodon mental health movies music nixos obsidian personal philosophy pkm poetry prompt second life social software soul technology writing