Breakthrough - August 2021

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Enjoy some spacey, atmospheric breaks.

  1. [00:01:62] Heaven (Original Mix) by Tee-Ex
  2. [03:31:33] Hope for a Better Future (Original Mix) by Flashtech
  3. [08:02:47] Silver Lining (Affective Remix) by Andrew Philippov
  4. [13:18:46] The Night Before (Momu Remix) by Jamie Stevens
  5. [16:27:66] Colours Of Conscience (Fretwell Remix) by Jono Fernandez
  6. [23:23:12] Will Be Unattainable (Platunoff Breaks Remix) by Julian Dep
  7. [26:19:46] Outer Rim (Plu-Ton Remix) by Timewave
  8. [36:03:47] Over The Coast (Andrew Philippov remix) by Stiven Rivic, Michael & Levan
  9. [42:44:66] A Breeze On The Nile (Philthy Chit & Superlifter Remix) by Airwave, Phi Phi
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