2020 Retrospective Mix

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What better way to reminisce over one of the shittiest years in a generation than through music? Enjoy this new set commemorating the batshit insanity of 2020.

  1. [00:02:31] Playing Around (Instrumental) by Wolves By Night
  2. [02:05:43] Dream is Collapsing (Junkie XL Remix) by Junkie XL
  3. [10:18:15] Story Of Light (Extended Mix) by Jody Wisternoff
  4. [16:17:31] Answers (Instrumental) by Vigilante
  5. [20:44:19] Come On by Andy Hunter
  6. [27:14:20] Cold ft Breakfastaz & Ken Mac by Stereo:Type
  7. [30:49:59] Funkstain by Stereo:Type
  8. [35:37:12] Reality Detached by The Forth
  9. [40:55:24] Finished Symphony by Hybrid
  10. [46:54:40] Time (Cyberdesign Remix) by Cyberdesign
  11. [55:48:16] Final Countdown LIVE Mix by Pretty Lights
  12. [65:33:17] Can, Can by Vanessa-Mae
Previous: "Cabin Fever - October 2020"Next: "Breakthrough - January 2021"
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