...and back to Airsonic

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A new Airsonic-Advanced fork emerges, and so my music streaming saga continues. Cover generated using craiyon.com.



Well, I feel like an idiot.

If you read my Ampache blog , you probably know I put way too much effort behind running my own music streaming service. You probably know I was particularly upset when Airsonic-Advanced died, and instead of trying to fix it, I ended up moving to Ampache.

Well, it turns out none of that was necessary, since some kind soul forked Airsonic-Advanced and is actively maintaining it. The fork is still called Airsonic-Advanced, and Y.Tory (who goes by kagemomiji 🔗) is at the helm.

Airsonic-Advanced-Resurrected (again) 

The main goal of this new version is to maintain Airsonic-Advanced (let’s just call it AA for short) for security and functionality. They’re updating dependencies, removing old unused code, fixing bugs, and generally doing all the un-sexy work of maintaining a large code project. They’re also slipping some new, mostly under-the-hood, features in here and there, like more input sanitization and processing tracks with CUE files. They’re basically single-handedly keep the project afloat while the community figures out what we want to do with it - whether to keep it going, or let it die and move onto something else.

I can’t overstate how much effort kagemomiji is putting into this fork. It’s nearly 300 commits 🔗 ahead of the old repo! Some folks have suggested making this the new official fork, but for now it’s a passion project, and one that’s very welcome in the home streaming space.

Migrating to kagemomiji’s Airsonic-Advanced 

This version of AA maintains compatibility with previous versions, so replacing an older version or previous fork of AA is as simple as stopping AA, replacing the executable, and restarting it. If you’re like me and run AA as a Docker or Kubernetes container, you just need to point the image from the old URL to the new URL hosted in GHCR 🔗: ghcr.io/kagemomiji/airsonic-advanced:stable.

The new executable will automatically detect and apply any necessary upgrades, and in my experience, this worked flawlessly.

I have nothing against the Ampache developers, but I’m glad to have a working AA instance again. There’s nothing quite like Airsonic, especially with a library I’ve spent years building up. I recommend giving kagemomiji’s project a look and sending them some thanks 🔗. And if you still want to check out Ampache, you can always find them on GitHub 🔗 or show them some love 🔗.

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